As oil prices fluctuate widely and a worldwide recession grows. we are seeing a fundamental shift in the U.S. Economy and in consumer buying behavior. This shift is forcing every organization to maximize it efficiency in order to remain profitable and is thereby creating a higher demand for new staff who have management and project management experience and education (Boyd, 2008). In addition, the reduction of labor costs through overseas outsourcing and the increasing use of technology will reduce the number of domestic manufacturing workers while increasing the number of information technology and management jobs (Dohm and Shniper,2007). Internships are becoming increasingly important for both community college and baccalaureate students as a gateway for entering the workforce (Boyd, 2008). This chapter highlights the major areas of growth in the business area and points out some of the challenges and opportunities that remain for community colleges.
Major Growth Areas
Despite current labor market difficulties, the long-term demand in critical business-related occupations remains positive. The following areas have been highlights in our analysis of the long-term labor market data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Accoutants and Auditors, Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2008) projects openings for accountants and auditors to increase by 226,000 jobs, or 17.7 percent between 2006 and 2016. This is due primarily to the increased number of businesses changing financial laws and regulations and greater scrutiny of company finances (Dohm and Shniper 2007).
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